Novels and stories

Under this tab you will find a selection of short stories and flash fiction for all ages and tastes. ‘Lexie’s Happiness Box’ was written as an exercise in writing for children, but I think it contains a pretty strong message for any child who might be being bullied by a close family member. I’d appreciate feedback on this story, as it is the first I have written for children.

‘Hypnolove’ was my very first short story success – winning a gold award in a national competition. It was inspired by some advertising material I received in my junk mail at work. I almost just threw it in the bin, but then laughed at the dodgy photographs on the front. The brochure was advertising a course to improve management skills, and the material inside contained typos, spelling mistakes and bad apostrophes. It sent my imagination in all sorts of directions, as you can imagine.  ‘Hypnolove’ was the result. I hope you enjoy reading the story.

The third story A2 + B2 = C2 was published in Telling Tales, a charity anthology, which is no longer available.  The inspiration for this story was derived from a text book.  During a conversation with my youngest son, Nicky, about where ideas for my writing come from, he said ‘I bet you can’t come up with a story using this’, and held up a book from which he was studying at the time. The page displayed nothing but complicated mathematical formulae!


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